This collection of instrumental music represents many disparate sessions. All tracks are original compositions, and were composed, performed, and produced by Christopher Smith, with additional electric bass by Randy Welch. This work is dedicated to Jacob Snyder, whose musicianship, friendship, and humor has and will forever be an inspiration to me.
I have a continued interest in the use of electronic musical instruments, to create soundscapes and compositions built of non-representational sounds. I am especially interested in the use of early 1980s MIDI equipment, by which one may trigger multiple drum machines. How can clashes of tone and rhythm create a music that represents our social discourse? While this work began as purely electronic, it came to include acoustic guitar, drum kit, and many conga and cajon tracks-- a mix of divergent voices, at times working and sounding together. This project is the result of a specific creative process, one of careful, solitary overdubs. In relocating from New England, I anticipate utilizing different creative processes in the future. A short history of this work:
Fall 2011-Spring 2012: sessions in a backyard shed in central Vermont. These involved a Yamaha RM1x drum machine and PSR keyboard, as well as other MIDI-driven tones.
Spring 2017: sessions in an apartment on Commercial St. in Trinidad, Colorado, using a Casio keyboard and Akai drum machine.
Fall 2017-Spring 2018: sessions and overdub sessions at Riford Brook in Braintree, Vermont. Some piano, organ, and synthesizer tracks were recorded during this time. Fall '11 session work was discovered, and merged into this project.
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